Autor: George Grove (Hg.)

Semplice (1883)

Semplice, 'simple'; a direction denoting that the passage so marked is to be performed without any adornment or deviation from the time, used particularly in passages of which the character might possibly be misunderstood....

Forte (1879)

FORTE, loud: an Italien word, usually abbreviated into f. A lesser degree of loudness is expressed by mf–mezzoforte; a greater one by più f and ff, and the greatest of all by fff–fortissimo, as...

Tuning-fork (1890)

TUNING-FORK (Fr. Diapason, Ital. Corista, Germ. Stimmgabel). This familiar and valuable pitch-carrier was invented by John Shore, Handel's famous Trumpeter. From a musical instrument it has become a philosophical one, chiefly from its great...

Zinke, Zincke (1890)

ZINKE or ZINCKE, also called Cornetto or Cornet à Bouquin (Fr.), is one of the oldest instruments known. It consists of a wooden tube, slightly conical, covered with leather, having six holes for the...

Triangle (1890)

TRIANGLE. […] It suits all keys, as besides the fundamental tone there are many subordinate ones, not harmonics. […] Rossini and his followers make frequent use of it, and Brahms has introduced it in...

Tambourin (1890)

TAMBOURIN. A long narrow drum used in Provence, beaten with a stick held in one hand, while the other hand plays on a pipe or flageolet with only three holes, called a galoubet. TAMBOURIN,...

Pitchpipe (1880)

Pitchpipe. A small stopped diapason pipe with long movable graduated stopper, blown by the mouth, and adjustable approximately to any note of the scale by pushing the stopper inwards or outwards. A pipe of...